Or Shall I say Friday "Rap" As in a Rap session...
Get it??
Okay, sorry all this heat is getting to me and one tends to get a little nutty when they are sweating in places they didn't know they had...
But back to my wrap up Thursday. This will be my last one until I return from vacation June 19th. That is right ladies and gentleman we hit the beach in ONE DAY
24 Hours!!!
(I told ya I was nutty). But look, all year I have waited for our beach vacation and it is finally almost here. Seven day's in the Outer Banks with the family... I love it and can’t wait!!
So here we go and
a great lee way into my second recommendation of the summer. Missed the first one? Click
here and scroll half way down.
With a six hour drive ahead of us in 24 hours (in case I hadn’t mentioned that yet) I have begun to collect and organize the boys travel bags they keep with them in the back seat on trips. No, I am not always this organized by the way. I just started keeping a bag of coloring books in the car for when we hit restaurants and such and thought why not make up personalized bag for each boy on long trips.
Evan's bag is usually full of coloring books, activity books, book of mazes and now "I Can Read" books because boy can he ever read... I mean EVERYTHING now (Look Mommy, "Come Fart Inn" (code Comfort Inn). Yup he can read and his ability to read signs now and entertaining his brother with the bodily functions route has been a great journey this past year...
24 Hours...
And speaking of his brother, Ryan's bag is loaded with sticker books, picture books of anything at all related to baseball or Motorcycles and I also throw in some of his favorite GI Joe dudes he likes to play with in his car seat. The sheer difference in both my boys still amazes me...
So I have been looking for a medium sized work/activity/doodle sort of book book that Evan can do over the summer but also would work for both boys in the car.. Most of the ones I see at Target or Wal-Mart are either really thick and heavy or they cost an arm or leg.. I also had yet to find a series in the perfect age range for my boys. A lot of the Pre-K stuff doesn't seem Pre-K to me and a lot of the Pre-school stuff I have come across for Ryan has seemed to babyish.
Enter Flash Kids. If you have a kindergartner you will know what the term "sight words" means. It is a great way to teach kids how to get ready to read. Evan has loved doing his sight words all year and this book has them all, helps them practice to write and encourages to write sentences. The Flash Kid's series has many levels for all ages and subjects. It is perfect shape and size for their bags. Best part... Only $3.95 (I found them at Barnes and Noble, Carolina Place upper level).
Here is a
link to their website if you would like to learn more. I love them already!
This past Saturday, Steele Creek Outreach had it's 2nd annual Family Fun Day and Fundraiser. All monies raised go towards feeding the homeless and this year turns out was a great success. Thank you so much to all the wonderful people behind SCO and their huge hearts for helping others. Also a big thank you to to
Niegel Smith (aka Mr. Niegel) who snag songs, played music and danced with the kid's for hours. It was a very special day.
Mr. Niegel entertains the kiddo's |
Fun Balloon Animals were provided as well. |
Lauren with Nichole Jaworski, Founder and President of SCO |
If you would like to learn more about SCO click
here. There are plenty of opportunities to for you to volunteer this year.
Are you ready for some awesome new
Party Decor from
Plumfield Shop? I can't get over Laurens creativity and she has come up with amazing designs on Party Kit's to help make your special gathering all the more special.
Party kits are great for showers, weddings, graduations, or birthday parties! The items in each kit coordinate perfectly and make decorating a breeze! Make sure you visit her Etsy shop for more details on how you can order as well as view her other fabulous items.
Organization Tip of the Week:
Tool Wall
A hammer and nails are easy to find if everything is kept in its place. Mark the outlines of tools on a garage wall or above your workbench.
Collection in a Box
Tiny treasures, such as stickers, buttons, or stamps, are easier to enjoy and store when they're glued to folded pages.
Okay to end I have some exciting stuff to share. As you have probably figured out, on top of writing, Photography has become one of my favorite things to do in life. I have always loved taking pictures, but now with a new camera, a new Zoom lens and an awesome Photography class from to
Madison Lane Photography I decided to keep a blog of all my fave's. Who knows where it will lead but for now I wanted to have a place where I can share with you so many wonderful stories that unfold while I am holding the camera. It is called
My Story Lens Enjoy, and please leave me feedback. I would love to get your thoughts.
So that is my Rap for this Friday morning. I will miss you all my lovely readers. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great week next week while my toes will be in the sand and waves lapping at my feet (okay so I will be chasing the boys, figthing with them about applying sunscreen, delegating sandcastle duty to my husband and if I am lucky maybe flip through my People magazine while trying to get rid of my farmers tan. You know me though, either way, there will be pictures.
Much love and Blessings!