Welcome to what I like to call the "Mompreneur" Database. You will find many of our local Mom's with business's, charitable organizations or just plain cooler than cool. All of these women inspire me every day So read about them, check out their services and/or products add them to you blog roll, leave comments, etc..
And as always I am always looking for people every day to add so if there is someone out there who inspires you, is looking for some help getting their business or organization started (near of far) let me know. lakesidechatter@gmail.com
Business: Arbonne Independent Consultant/Area Manager.
Contact: kipparbonne@yahoo.com
Kara is a dear friend and has been featured here on the Chatter many times with her Arbonne business:
"The wonderful thing about Arbonne is that it's not just about great products, it's also about great people. The Arbonne family is made up of thousands of individuals working to make their dreams come true."
Kara is my Arbonne consultant whose products I have been using for the past few months and WORSHIP. Kara's energy, experiences and good old fashion fun makes her a great friend who inspires me every day.
Who: Erin Jackson
Business - Owner, Madison Lane Photography
Erin is a great example of balancing motherhood with her passions for creativity. Her photography business got started because she, like many Mom's, love taking pictures of their kids. Her work is fantastic and she is more than happy to help budding photographers by offering a Mom's photography class a few times a year (yes I will be signing up). She is a frequent guest writer here on the Chatter so stay tuned for more information on how to take great pictures. Check out her site, as well as her blog to see her fabulous work and learn more about classes offered.
Who: Amy Snyder and Jenn Holby
Business: Sew What Mommy
Recent feature here on the Chatter. Amy and Jenn are Two stay at home moms (best friends and neighbors) armed with sewing and embroidery machines who have fun and love being creative. For more on their business adventure you can click here:
Who: Lucia Clark
Business: L.C. DesignsLocal Mom and fabulous seamstress, Lucia Clark can sew just about anything. From detailed handbags, to curtains to kitchen Aprons to Nursery decor and bedding. Her designs are fresh, fun and super creative and she is always thinking outside the box for more ideas. Lucia was featured in February and you can read more about her here. http://lakeside-chatter.blogspot.com/2011/02/lc-designs-custom-sewing-to-accent-your.html
Who: Christine Barbera
Business: Thoughtful Creations.
14 years as sales and catering manger for Ritz Carlton Hotels has taught Christine Barbera a thing or too about what customers look for and how to make someone feel extra special,. With her years of experience she has started a unique and whimsical Custom Gift Basket business. Each basket is designed specifically around the customers preferences, No baskets are the same unless requested. Christine is extremely professional, personable and loves to make her customers happy. Christina has also been featured here on the Chatter and you can read more about her here: http://lakeside-chatter.blogspot.com/2011/03/thoughtful-creations-unique-baskets-for.html
Who: Jen Stansbury
Business: The Cupcake Girl.
As if this one needs any introduction.... Cupcakes are perfect for just about anything. Jen uses her culinary skills into making the perfect cupcake (egg free and vegan options available as well) not to mention her cupcake themes and designs are to die for and almost as good as they taste. http://jenthecupcakegirl.blogspot.com/
Who: Nichole Jaworski
Her Role - Chief Executie Director Steele Creek Outreach
Nonprofit Group located in Steele Creek area made up of folk who strive to assist the homeless and supply food and necessities to those in need. They are inspired by one of Gandhi's quotes: "Be the change you want to see in the world." Many of thier projects in the past includes handing out goody bags to local homeless famalies and Operation Mayday, a combined effort with River Hills church that feeds familes in need durning the holidays.
Who: Amber Greenwalt
Her Role: Supermom, helath advocate, writer, blogger, friend.
Blog: http://greenawaltfamilylife.blogspot.com/
Amber's is part of the chatter family soley for how she inspires me and everyone around her. Not just as a Mom but also as a human being. Amber's writing is real, honest and at times will make your heart ache yet her blog is by far one my favorites to read and if you are ever in need for inspiration, hope and encouragement I suggest you add her to your blog roll fast.
Plus she takes the most amzing pictures you can't help but to feel like you have been transformed into her life one colorful step at a time. And if you are a "Twilight" fan, as well as a fan of the musical "Wicked" you will love her even more.
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