Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Steele Creek Outreach - Moments that Stick.

Certain moments have stuck with me.
And I firmly believe that is what moments are supposed to do.
To stick, to teach, to help, to inspire and to make you feel alive.
Some moments feel great when they stick and some, well yeah some can sting.  Leaving an impression that one day, we hope, will eventually make sense.
My recent sticky moment came this past Sunday while I witnessed a room full of homeless men and women who had come together for a time of worship.
They have no home, no job, and very little food in their stomachs.
 Some of them are wearing the only clothes they own.
But they were there, arms stretched out, smiles on their faces, worshiping, enjoying fellowship and allowing themselves to be open up a little bit more.
Even if they don't like what they see.

I was there with a local group called Steele Creek Outreach.  I have not only adopted this fantastic non-profit organization to be a part of the Chatter, but I have also adopted the founder, Nichole Jaworksi and several of the other women I have known and have gotten to know over the last few months.  These women are a constant inspiration to me and bring a much needed awareness to an issue that is a worldwide epidemic.
Yesterday I admitted I judged the stereo typical "Soccer Mom."  Well today my confession is I sometimes judge the homeless man on the street.  He is there by his own doing, his choices....  he has no one to blame but himself.
Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk..
And yes, while that may be true on some counts, that man I judged, that human being who has lost everything that person is just that.
A Person.  He has a heart, a mind, a soul, a spirit and bad choices or not, he is at the bottom of the barrel.
The end of his rope and I have to ask myself.
What if it were me?
Because isn't that really a question we sometimes don't like to ask?  What if I was the one who had a problem, made bad choices, lost my family, lost my friends, lost my way?  How would I feel if everyone turned their back on me if what I once knew to be a safe and cozy way of life, a roof over my head?  What if one day it was all gone?
By my own choices, or perhaps maybe not by mine, but a tragic event, a loss of a job....
And what if I had no one?
What if one day that is my son? 
What if it was yours?
I promise I am not going to get all preachy and soapboxy on you.  But I care very deeply about this matter and very excited and honored to be a part of Steele Creek Outreach as one of there official photographers going forward.  You can read more about SCO here.
And you can read more about Nichole's post on our uptown adventure here. 
In the mean time here are some more pictures I took.
Goody bags put together by SCO

A moment durning worship

A free meal was provided afterwards.

Commandos For Christ who provided the worship service.

Pastor Mary chat's with a local homeless man.

A local homeless man walks off into the unknown. 

Thanks for reading and please feel free to leave me a comment with your sticky moment.  Whether good or bad, if it stuck, then it is made you who you are today. 
Just like it was meant to do.  

With Love,


  1. Mary, Some people go their whole lives without ever coming to the realization that these homeless individuals are people human beings, and no matter how they became homeless, no one deserves to live life that way. Thank you for realizing that :) Steele Creek Outreach is very blessed to have you on board with our mission and I am lucky to have you as a friend as well :) Hugs! Great, great photos!

  2. Great article..GREAT group to be involved in! I LOVE pastor Mary! Keep up the great work ladies!
